Identity-First Security
What is Identity-First Security?

Identity-First Security refers to a security approach that emphasizes the use of identity as a central component for securing systems and resources. It focuses on the notion that strong and reliable identification of users, devices, and other entities is crucial for effective security measures.
In traditional security models, the emphasis is often placed on securing the network-defined perimeter using tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other network-centric defenses. While these measures are still important, Identity-First Security recognizes that traditional perimeters are becoming less defined due to the increasing adoption of cloud computing, mobile devices, and remote work. In addition, there is a broader trend towards empowering those closest to a task to enable them to allow for a faster and more autonomous response. These changes in how we work are encouraging security leaders to rethink how security should be managed.
Identity-First Security involves a shift towards a more granular and context-aware security model that revolves around identities and their associated attributes. It involves the use of technologies and practices such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), identity and access management (IAM), privileged access management (PAM), and Customer IAM.
By placing identity at the center of the security model, organizations can establish a stronger level of trust and control over their systems and resources. An Identity-First Security approach emphasizes the following principles:
- Consistency – Centralizes policies to consistently manage access across decentralized systems
- Context-aware – Uses contextual data associated with identities to assert dynamic decisions
- Continuous – Applies adaptive control throughout a session
With Identity-First Security, the implementation of policies and controls that are tailored to specific identities allow organizations to enforce the principle of least privilege where users are granted only the necessary permissions to perform their tasks.
Furthermore, Identity-First Security enables organizations to monitor and track user activities more effectively. By associating actions with specific identities, organizations can detect anomalous behavior, detect potential insider threats, and respond to security incidents more promptly.
Benefits of Identity-First Security
Stronger authentication
Granular access control
Context-aware security
Improved visibility
Streamlined user experience
Compliance and regulatory requirements
Reduced attack surface
Scalability and flexibility
Let’s Connect
Managing identity can be complex. Let OpenIAM simplify how you manage all of your identities from a converged modern platform hosted on-premises or in the cloud.
For 15 years, OpenIAM has been helping mid to large enterprises globally improve security and end user satisfaction while lowering operational costs.